5th November Embargo

No Embargo – Time to Blow Up the Cannabis Issue.

Press Release November 5th 2020

Seed our Future campaign served the entire UK police force with a report last week entitled:
‘Cannabis and the Law – No Evidence, No Crime?’

The report details the history of cannabis
prohibition, based on ideology and racism and the sheer lack of evidence to support the inclusion of
this plant within the Misuse of Drugs Act. Following responses to FOI requests from the police, the
Crown Prosecution Service, the Home Office and the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, unequivocal ‘evidence of no evidence’ has emerged which has the power to turn the tables.

Now, the Police may now find themselves on the wrong side of the law if they continue to enforce cannabis laws as the evidence suggest that they would be in breach of employment law and possibly several criminal laws.

Of course, the Police are not responsible for the enactment of laws, only the enforcement, which is why on Thursday 5th November Seed our Future will send the report and supporting evidence to every member of parliament, the Home Secretary, the Secretary of State, the Secretariat for the
ACMD, the Attorney General and the Prime Minister, instructing them that inaction on these findings would result in the implementation of legal action for misconduct in public office (an indictable offence which carries a maximum life sentence) amongst other possible criminal offences.

The lies and exaggeration surrounding the harms of cannabis and the exposure of the harms caused
by prohibition alongside the health, environmental and economic factors are astounding.

In order
for the public to have trust in the Government, its scientific advisors and the Police, the people must be able to trust that laws, which currently infringe on our human rights, liberties and may cause us
to be locked down. These are based on fact and not claims from governmental scientific advisors, who exaggerate inconclusive data on harms to health and ignore the societal damage which follows.

The 5th of November is historically the time for the people to stand together and fight for injustice and freedom. Those in public office must abide by the ‘seven pillars of public life’ when carrying out
their duties. Those who abuse these duties will be held accountable.

Please contact me for further details,
Guy Coxall (Founder – Seed our Future)

Email: seedourfuture@mail.com
Tel: 0750 880 2773
Web: www.seedourfuture.co.uk

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